Power Sector And Other Related News Stories For Friday March 31st 2023

KEDCO Appeals for Calm as Energy Supply from Grid Drops
The Kano Electricity Distribution Company, KEDCO, has appealed to customers in its franchise area to exercise patience as the company works round the clock to improve power supply in the three states.
The company attributed the current challenges in energy supply witnessed in Kano, Katsina and Jigawa states to a drop in supply from the national grid.
Kano is the most populous and second biggest commercial city in Nigeria with high energy demand.
The Chief Commercial Officer of the company, Abubakar Yusuf, appealed for calm in a press briefing at the company’s headquarters in Kano State North-Western Nigeria.
The Power Sector Challenge
A recent report by electricity Think tank Group, comprising the Society for Planet and Prosperity, GCA Capital Partners Climate Advisors, indicates that about 75 per cent of electricity consumed in Nigeria, comes from diesel and petrol-powered generators. The damning report is a reflection of the poor state of the nation’s power sector. Despite the huge investment in the sector, there is little light at the end of the tunnel. The power supply situation across the country is worsening. The situation undermines investment and development.
Govt, Investors Deploy 1,000 Mini-Grid Nationwide
The Federal Government in partnership with private sector investors, midweek, commenced moves to deploy 1,000 mini-grids to electrify rural communities across the country. Deployment of mini-grids in rural areas is managed by the Federal Government’s Rural Electrification Agency, as the agency supports private sector mini-grid developers with funds to boost off-grid electricity development. Speaking at the Rural Electrification Fund Call-3 Bidders Workshop in Abuja, the Managing Director, REA, Ahmad Salihijo, announced that over 1,000 mini-grids would be built nationwide under the REF programme and other off-grid initiatives.
Firm Launches Into Nigerian Market with Power Products
To meet these energy needs, Infinity Sustainable Power Solutions Limited (ISPL) was established in 2017 as a part of a diversification programme into green energy and, over the last five years, ISPL has made significant inroads into standby and motive power solutions, offering premium standby power solutions for homes, offices, and industries.
ISPL has worked towards bridging the gap between the customer’s aspiration for quality and dependability and the average, run-of-the-mill products available in the Nigerian market.
Minister Laments Poor Energy Performance Standards on ACs Utilised in Nigeria
The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI), Dr Adeleke Mamora, has lamented that Air conditioners (ACs) utilised in the country had less energy efficiency ratio (EER).
Mamora said this at the National Stakeholders’ Consultative Workshop on Energy Efficient and Climate-Friendly Cooling in Nigeria on Thursday in Abuja.
The one-day workshop was organised by the Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN).
He also said that it was below internationally acceptable minimum energy performance standards (MEPS), adding that the importance of the workshop on scaling up energy- efficient and climate-friendly cooling in Nigeria could not be over-emphasised.
Mitigating Perceived Risk in African Energy Investment
high-level panel comprising African public and private sector energy leaders discussed strategies for mitigating project development risk during the African Energy Chamber’s (http://www.EnergyChamber.org) Invest in African Energy reception in Dubai on Thursday, which aimed to connect international financiers with African energy projects. Africa is widely recognized as an attractive investment destination due to abundant natural resources, an above-average drilling success rate, a rapidly expanding domestic market, growing purchasing power and associated needs for power, technology, innovation and industrialization. However, the continent continues to experience a high degree of perceived risk.
EU Sets Higher Binding Targets for Renewable Energy Consumption
The European Union (EU) is to increase the share of renewable energy in the bloc’s overall energy consumption, under a deal reached between national capitals and the European Parliament on Thursday, March 30, 2023.
The energy produced from wind, solar, and other sustainable sources will amount to 42.5 per cent of consumption by 2030.
The consumption would go up from the current binding target of 32 per cent, a press release said.
“Renewable energy will power Europe’s future, and contribute to our energy sovereignty by reducing fossil fuel imports,’’ EU Commission Vice-President, Frans Timmermans, said.